Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Question for the Women, Need your opinion!!!!!?

I've been on here (answers) for just under 1 month. It seems to me that there are alot of men bashers out there in the world wide web. my question is,'; why do you always say the man is an as**ole';? I hear so many say that all men cheat, beat their spouses/ girlfriends, or are perves because we like to look at other women. How can you put all men in that group?

I have never cheated on anyone! Nor have I hit a female! on the other hand I'm currently dealing with a divorce from a lousy no good cheating whore, and I still won't date because I'm stil married until I have a Judges signature. Can i lump all you women in this catogory? I don't think that would be fair on my part, because I know there are decent women out there in the world.

Just thought i'd get peoples opinion. thanks, JDQuestion for the Women, Need your opinion!!!!!?
I have found that it's ALWAYS a big mistake to categorize humans, for any reason. I've learned to take everyone I meet on a case-by-case basis, period. So, it doesn't matter what you look like or what your ';type'; may be -- I will judge you only by your words and actions (if I do judge you at all).

Categorizing is just another word for being prejudicial. And prejudice will make anyone into an a**hole!!Question for the Women, Need your opinion!!!!!?
It probably stems from the fact that overall in society, people overlook a man's cheating as being just the way it is and expected--when it just isn't the case. I was lucky enough to have a good father who treats my mother very well and respects her and then lucky enough to marry someone who is the same way. Though I have had my bad experiences, they haven't defined me. I have however, had two good friends who cheated on their husbands. I was disgusted with both of them. One, I have never talked to again...the other, the contact has over the years become less and less. They both view it as not a big deal because they went back to their husbands. I have a real problem with that.
There is good and bad in every group of people.

It just seems like more people report about the bad ones.

It is more exciting to read about the bad ones. Kind of like a NASCAR race, we watch and hope to see a good crash.
ya I've seen those bitter broads too. Maybe that's why they're on the computer and not getting dates???

Some people don't sift through the dirt to find the gems, but grab the first rock that lands near them. Then when they find out it's worthless; get mad at everyone else for them being impatient and not choosing correctly.

bitter people if you ask me.

As for the cheaters, well that's just stupid. Both sexes cheat, and there is no reason to forgive someone for doing it. There is really no gray area when it comes to cheating. Either you cheated or you didn't. When relationships have ';breaks'; it's stupid not to talk about whether you're still monogamous or not.
My gf is answering this... I don't group men like that. That's great that you aren't a worthless piece of crap! I'm so glad to hear it. It's too bad about your whore of a wife...just goes to show you it doesn't matter your gender you can still be a di$k:)

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