Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Any help would be appreciated?

how would a person find out if their spouse is cheating on them? i have a huge gut feeling that they are but im afraid to come out and ask or say anything about it. the behaviour is really strange. one night during a minor argument they called me an ex s name. i get into an accident and she suddenly has no time for me....when they do talk its i love you i want this to work dont have any worries. but wont come and visit me in hospital says its too far 2 hours away and i understand not during the week hours at work...but a sat or a sun afternoon...all the time in the world. gets mad at me very easily..whenevr i want to talk about whatever. is there anyway i can find out if they are being unfaithful? im getting out of here in a few days and i would like to know so i can deal with it when im betterAny help would be appreciated?
First of all, i'm sorry to hear that you're in hospital, may you make a speedy recovery.

i can't say whether she's cheating on you or not, and based on the things you say she MIGHT be cheating, or she might not. it's not entirely clear. but that's besides the point. the point is that you feel she is, and gut feeling is sometimes very accurate.

what you need to do is talk about it. there is no sense in staying quiet and secretly stressing about it. no good will come out of doing that. if she is cheating you need to find out sooner rather than later. and if she's not, you need to stop suspecting her and try to understand what is making her behave the way she is. you shouldn't be naive, but at the same time you should try to see things objectively.

sit her down when you get out of the hospital and tell her that you would like to discuss something that has been bothering you for a while. tell her that you'd really appreciate it if she heard you out, didn't get angry and just had a mature discussion. tell her that you're fine with everything as long as it's the truth. tell her that you won't be angry, that she doesn't need to feel afraid of telling you the truth, then go ahead and tell her what you've been feeling. that you feel she's different, that she's irritable etc. and that you feel she is perhaps cheating on you.

ultimately you can say whatever you want, but the key is to vocalize your feeling. if you don't there will be no ending this torture you're in. you need to tell her what you feel.

good luck!!!

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