Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Politicans and Sex Scandals?

Every year it seems like a politician gets in trouble with a sex scandal. I think they should go the route that Thomas Jefferson did. He and his slave Sally Hemmings had and affair and children. People questioned him about it and wrote newspapers about it. But you know what his response was. He didn't care. He was kinda like so who cares? But politicians these days lie first and than tell the truth later which never works. They should just tell the truth and than not care what the media says. That's their personal business, people cheat in marriages all the time so why is it any different than a public figure. I don't understand how these politicians cheating on their spouses makes them '; bad leaders'; I'm not advocating infidelity. They are wrong for cheating but, why does the media make it out to be a big deal? Why do they care more about their private lives rather than the laws, policies, etc?Politicans and Sex Scandals?
We don't hire (vote for ) a public servant (or any employee for that matter) to be the perfect husband or the perfect father or any of that. what counts should be their abilities to do their job. their personal lives are theirs as long as they don't engage in outright criminal activities. So far seems like both adults in this matter did it willingly.

A different matter would have been if he had sex with a minor or had raped the woman but none of that is the case here.

Now in Sanford's case these activities definitively interfered with his ability to do his job and I think that's why he should resign or be fired. Not because he had an affair but because he dissapeared from the job.

I wonder what would happen to anyone else who just up and left their work post without a word to anyone.

On yet another angle this is a person who build his image (and got elected) on a family values platform thus what he did was highly hipocritical.

';I can begin to forgive Sanford is he gives this apology:

I am so sorry for all of the people I judged through my false righteousness. I am so sorry to have judged Bill Clinton for what he did in his personal life. We should have never dragged him through that. I am so sorry for voting for impeachment. I am so sorry to the all of the loving gay couples in this country who want to make marriage work while I made a mockery of it. If they can find it in their heart to forgive me, I will try to be a better, less judgmental, less hypocritical and more open-minded person. Help me to become that person.';

Cenk Uygur

I wholeheartedly agree with Cenk鈥?/a>

PS De nada mi reynaPoliticans and Sex Scandals?
There is a new report that a scholar has decided that it was Thomas Jefferson's young brother who fathered Sally Hemming's children, not ';The'; Jefferson.

I was not a big Bill Clinton fan, but his impeachment was ridiculous. I know he lied under oath about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, but who wouldn't have?

I agree with those who fault Sanford more for going AWOL than for his affair. Hisgirlfriend must be something else for him to travel all the way to Argentina to see her!
I actually don't think it is their personal business. It goes to character. If they can't commit to their own marriage and honor their own children--how much will they care about anything else? They all seem to do it, and the more we all give them a pass on morality, the more they will take it.
I do not KNOW! Good question though. The politicians that seem to speak out the loudest about gay marriage and abstinence and fidelity then actually get caught in the act of cheating are raked over the hot coals for being well they should!

Just my opinion but they are supposed to be representing us, our laws and our money and future.
It is a question of ethics and character. You cannot separate your private from your public life. You are the same person.. Looking at it this way, ';if you'd cheat on your wife, you'd cheat on me.';

Infidelity is relatively easy to find out.

I want someone who leads that I can trust.
Every year? Where have you been? It's twice a week now.

';I wonder why that could be???';

o_聺贸 ...You're not... serious?
people only care more because their lives are more public, but in reality politicians are just as sexually deviated as everyone else, but when everyone else does it, their lives aren't put under a magnifying glass.
your private life reflects your public. Nothing more sickening than a Public paid ****** being a private jerk-off. As for Jefferson, raping a defense-less woman forced into slavery is not something you should be proud of.
Caring about their private lives is just a diversion from what is really happening in our government. Don't be fooled by all the media hype into some affair. It is just smoke and mirrors.
Yes... it seems it happens every year right around when elections are happening, or when important bills are being rammed through Congress!

I wonder why that could be??? LOL
The type of person who gets into politics seems to be the type who can't keep his hands off of anyone else's money or @$$.
Whatever gets ratings is what they will report on. Bottom line: Sex sells.
They cheat like other men, except many of them are hypocrities. The difference is that some of them use public money in furtherance of their affair. Politicians have, always, cheated. Ben Franklin was a big whore. Dwight Eisenhower, the Kennedys, Franklin Roosevelt, and other leaders cheated. However I wish people would stop comparing Sally Hemings to chicks like Monica Lewinsky, Donna Rice, and Gennifer Flowers. These women had choices and came from wealthy families.

They will do anything to make Thomas Jefferson appear to be a saint. He didn't do anything that others haven't done. We just haven't found out about the other founding fathers' half-black children.
You can't sell yourself as a ';Beacon of Morality'; and then be exposed as a hypocrite and survive politically. It really isn't about the ability to lead as it is about people feeling that they didn't get what they voted for. That is where the confidence erodes, quickly.

If you had a politician that said, ';Hey I am good with economics, laws, and solving problems but make no mistake I love my beer and tickle parties!'; and he is caught fooling around people got what they voted for and I believe that politician could survive scandals like these.

Also keep in mind that Americans have a bad habit of taking humanity from their leaders and heroes. We expect our leaders and heroes to live up to a standard that for many is just not possible because they are human.
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